This information is provided for information only and must not be considered as investment advice. You should seek professional investment advice before making any investment decision.
Who We Are
We are a privately owned investment boutique located in Birmingham's historic jewellery quarter. Our aim is to provide you with an investment which will achieve your objectives. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of investments and the income derived from them can fall as well as rise and investors may get back less than they invested.
The Margetts name has been a feature of Birmingham business life going back to the early years following the formation of the Birmingham Stock Exchange in 1845. Our company is particularly proud to be able to continue this association, with our roots having been established from the Margetts & Addenbrooke stock broking partnership.
We have a long and rich family history, which has been a prominent feature throughout. This provides stability and long term thinking. Professional governance structures and management combine to prove a successful business with a heart.
We believe in putting you first in our relationship and acting with skill, care and diligence.
Our company values set out our beliefs and what matters to us in order to build a successful long term relationship with you.

History & Ancestry
In 1981, Margetts began to provide portfolio management services to private investors, pension funds, professional trustees and corporations. In 1992, we launched our first Risk Rated fund of funds and completed the range in 1995, a range that remains our flagship today. We are proud of the fund performance and additional value which has been added to our investors’ portfolios ever since.
The Margetts name can be traced back to 1845, with key milestones that add to our its rich history
1845 – James Pearson, banker and stock broker, is an established trader in Birmingham and is elected the first Chairman of the newly constituted Birmingham Stock Exchange
1853 – James Pearson dies and is succeeded by his sons, Charles and Richard, and the name is pluralised to James Pearson & Sons
1875 – Herbert Margetts succeeds as proprietor of James Pearson & Sons and the firm is renamed Herbert Margetts Late James Pearson & Sons
1881 – Herbert Margetts brings Lloyds Bank to the market. T. Jervis Addenbrooke is elected a member of the Birmingham Stock Exchange
1886 – Margetts & Addenbrooke form a partnership, naming the company Margetts & Addenbrooke
1895 – A private wire is installed from the offices direct to the London Stock Exchange. This is the first ever direct telephone from Birmingham to the London market
1901 – Herbert Margetts is elected Chairman of the Birmingham Stock Exchange for the last time
1909 – Herbert Margetts dies and T. Jervis Addenbrooke becomes sole partner
1932 – T. Jervis Addenbrooke completes 50 years of membership of the Birmingham Stock Exchange
1937 – T. Jervis Addenbrooke retires completing nearly 56 years membership of the Birmingham Stock Exchange
1938 – G. S. Howarth and W.O. Mills form a partnership and continue as Margetts & Addenbrooke
1944 – Pilot officer G.S. Howarth dies on active service and Reginald Welham is sole proprietor
1946 – The business of T. H. Evans & Co amalgamates with Margetts & Addenbrooke. Harold W. Oakley and Reginald Welham continue in partnership
1965 – Under new Federation rules, Margetts & Addenbrooke become a dual capacity firm acting as jobbers and brokers
1972 – Dual capacity is no longer permitted and Margetts & Addenbrooke expand private investor stock broking
1985 – Tim Ricketts joins M&A Financial Services (which had been born out of the stock brokers Margetts and Addenbrooke) as Managing Director. M&A Financial Services renamed Margetts Financial Services.
1986 – Margetts & Addenbrooke plays a leading role in the formation of the National Investment Group. Following further acquisitions by Capel Cure Myers, Old Mutual and Barclays Wealth Management, this resulted in the demise of the Margetts & Addenbrooke name as stock brokers in Birmingham
1992 – The Margetts International Portfolio fund is launched to provide international exposure for investors
1995 – The Margetts Providence, Select and Venture funds are launched, which combined with the International fund, form the Risk Rated Range of funds
2001 – Margetts Fund Management Ltd is created and the Fund Management division of Margetts Financial Services moves into the new business and becomes Authorised Corporate Director to the Risk Rated Range of funds. Toby Ricketts is appointed to the Board of the new company as Investment Director
2003 – The Margetts Opes Funds are launched. The 1st third party range of funds to be managed by Margetts as Authorised Corporate Director
2005 – Margetts Financial Services Ltd is sold to a third party and all existing directors and staff are transferred to Margetts Fund Management.
2011 – Tim Ricketts is appointed as Chairman, Toby Ricketts moves to Chief Executive Officer. Matthew Jealous and Alex Weston appointed to the Board as executive directors
2015 – Jane Vessey appointed as Non-Executive Director
2020 – Tim Ricketts retires after 35 years service. Jane Vessey appointed as Chair of the Board.